Bluray/DVD - Indies

The Naoyuki Tsuji Animation Collection

Release date : 2007-07-24

Country : USA

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Authors : Naoyuki Tsuji

Publisher : FACETS

EAN : 0736899108427

Category : Bluray/DVD
Subcategory : Indies

Date added : 2017-11-08

Notes : With a few simple, hand-drawn lines in his trademark charcoal and pastel, acclaimed animator Naoyuki Tsuji creates a distinctive universe that is at once tender and horrible. Included are all the elements of a fractured fairy tale for adults: clouds come alive in the sky; an escape becomes a terrifying journey; characters transform into animals; a man with a deranged face terrorizes his family and devours his children. What first appears to be childlike crudeness in his animation is actually subtle, strange, and even uncanny. Tsuji s films captivate us because they are vague recollections of beguiling childhood dreams and memories the wonder of the puppet show, the mystery of clouds, or the attraction of monsters.

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