Bluray/DVD - Animation : Misc

Dream On Silly Dreamer

Release date : 2006-02-14

Country : USA

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Authors : Dan Lund

Publisher : WestLund Productions, Inc.

EAN : 0689076273039

Category : Bluray/DVD
Subcategory : Animation : Misc

Date added : 2017-11-08

Notes : On March 25, 2002, more than 200 Disney artists working at the studio´s legendary Feature Animation department in Burbank, California, were told that their services were no longer needed by the company. It took only one uncomfortable gathering with then president of Feature Animation Thomas Schumacher, now dubbed "The Tom Meeting," to kill 75 years of a beloved animated tradition. A similar series of events soon played out at Disney´s other animation studios in Paris, Tokyo and Orlando, Florida. Doors were closed for good and in total nearly 1,300 skilled artists and craftsmen were fired. The company best known for its handcrafted animated features no longer wanted artists to draw for them.

"DREAM ON SILLY DREAMER" is the new animated documentary from director Dan Lund and producer Tony West that tells this tale. Featuring interviews recorded soon after the now infamous "Tom Meeting," viewers will learn the reasons offered by the company and feel the emotional responses from those affected. A handful of artists tell their side of the story and share their recollections of the "good old days" at Disney.

Told as a modern-day fairy tale, "DREAMER" pays homage to the classic Winnie the Pooh shorts. An artist´s sketch book becomes the viewer´s window into this documentary realm with original, animated vignettes helping to tell a side of the story that the world never has heard. This film will touch anyone who has ever dreamed, believed in fairy tales or wished upon a star.

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